磨磨唧唧花了两周时间追完pjgirls只能说越到后期越觉得这个“神剧”not my type间歇性惊艳持续性不知所云和头脑风暴的我选择摘抄 These violent delights have violent ends. The pain is all I have left of them. There's a path for everyone. My path is bound with yours. Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
做饭伴侣为Saul第八集的舍身取义加一星'Escape or die.'我整个一迷醉疯疯癫癫一女主Quinn甚至混淆自己是不是在生死关头都下意识选择她Saul贴心大哥遮风大雨义不容辞还他妈出来个Raza巴基斯坦军事高官一定要她相信他......脱离不了后宫戏了......还有跑龙套的Suraj Sharma是少年派的男主......女主赶紧给我跟Quinn说“Yes”